Lee McIntyre’s Instant Internet Lifestyle Review – A Profit Booster

I was fortunate enough to come across Lee McIntyre’s Instant Lifestyle just when I was becoming totally frustrated with spending money on over-hyped marketing products, and becoming totally baffled by information over-load.

I ended up creating an Instant Internet Lifestyle review. “Instant Internet Lifestyle” is the complete video proceedings of a 2 day workshop given by UK marketer, Lee McIntyre.

I was intrigued by the fact that, four years ago, he was still a full-time High School teacher and now has a phenomenal internet business. McIntyre’s Instant Internet Lifestyle workshop takes you through the complete set-up and implementation of a solid internet business and the presentation is organized in a logical, step-by-step, easy-to-understand, manner. The philosophy behind his business, “always over-deliver” on value, is a universally applicable a cornerstone to any super successful business. I was initially hesitant to invest any money for the product (been burned too many times with re-cycled information). I wasn’t sorry I did. Instant Internet Lifestyle massively over-delivers. For example, from one small segment of Lee McIntyre’s Instant Internet Life Style I found:

6 ways to bump your profits:

Profit Bump #1: Make a Physical Product

Marketing studies show that physical products have a greater perceived value than digital products, so people are often willing to pay more money for a physical product than a digital one.

Creation of physical product may sound intimidating but the good news is that creating physical products is, through the services of Kunaki.com, a simple thing to do. If you currently produce a digital product, the process of turning your digital downloads into DVD Box sets is as simple as choosing cover art and up-loading your product to Kunaki.com. As Kunaki says, “We publish at no cost to you. Our automated factory also accepts credit-card orders on your behalf to instantly manufacture and ship your products to your customers. We report sales with customer names/addresses to you and send you a check each month for an amount equal to the quantity sold multiplied by the price you set.” The cost to you? Not much more than the cost of a blank DVD at Staples.

Profit Bump #2: Order Page Upsell

An order page upsell, done properly, will increase your profits and please your customers. You offer your prospect a great incentive to purchase an additional product just before they make their purchase and just after their decision to purchase. Your prospect clicks order, and is sent to a another page offering a time sensitive opportunity to purchase another product at a substantial discount, rewarding him or her for being a customer. For example, you might offer a DVD product you normally sell for $47 at a $27 price. (make sure it actually is a product you normally sell for $47 and that it, also, over-delivers on quality). Your conversion rate WILL be lowered slightly, but your increased revenue more than makes up the difference.

Profit Bump #3: One Time Offers (OTOs)

An OTO is a ‘one time offer’ made to customers after they’ve purchased your product, but before they’ve downloaded it. Will customers resent this up-sell after they’ve purchased? Not necessarily. The key here, is to over-deliver on value, both with the initial offer and the OTO. The bottom line is that, if you truly believe in your products’ quality, then your duty is to offer paying customers the opportunity of benefiting by buying them at a discount. Worst case scenario? They refuse the OTO, download the purchased product, are blown away by your over-delivery on value received for price, and, next time they purchase a product from you, they take the OTO.

Profit Bump #4: Thank You Page Links

Thank you page links are an extremely effective way to increase profits by 20% to 30%. Simply add a link on the thank you page offering the customer the opportunity grab another related product at a deep discount.

Profit Bump #5: Free Gift Follow Up

Whether or not the customer takes advantage of an OTO or Thank you page offer, in your first e-mail follow-up, provide a special link to a ‘customer appreciation’ page. From this page, the customer can, for free, download an additional bunch of valuable marketing information. Giving away truly valuable content as soon as the customer purchases from you will invoke a huge amount of reciprocity. It lets the customer know you care. Your client will be more likely to read your future emails and more likely to buy your future products.

Profit Jump #6: Recycle Your Content

Different people have different learning styles. Different customers prefer to purchase particular types of product. A quick and easy way to increase your profits is to “recycle your content” into multiple different products or uses.The more quality products you create, the more money you earn. Doesn’t it makes sense to take the opportunity to turn one quality product into multiple quality products or to use the asset in multiple ways?

For example, you may create and promote a quality DVD box-set. You can subsequently market the digital download (remember, different people prefer to buy different formats), place the product inside a continuity site (enhancing site value), and offer the download as a bonus, deep-discount product linked to other sales (see profit bumps 2,3, and 4).

You’ll notice that the common theme to increasing profit is to consistently over-deliver on value. The value offered by McIntyre inspired me to author Instant Internet Lifestyle Review. You can get find out more by following my link.

To your success

Will McGuire